*Please note that the contents of this page are solely the OPINIONS of the authors and the followers.*

Welcome to the Middle of the Road. This is a combined book review blog, one that is both cherished and prided over. We want everyone who comes to our page to find something of intrest to them, so when they walk away they are either satisfied or intrigued. We are both avid readers and have a passion about books that few of our other friends do. Both of us are happy to share our experiences in the book world and at times some goodies too. Enjoy your time here, and if you are anything like us, you could spend hours just wandering aimlessly through the world of books, just like a lazy afternoon down the Middle of the Road.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Book Review: Switched, by Amanda Hocking

The first book in this three part series is Switched. Amanda Hocking did a great job of bringing us into this world. Introducing us to the characters and letting us get a feel of who they are and their personalities.

Wendy has moved more times than she can count, of course it's always for her benefit. If she could keep herself out of trouble for at least more than a few months then things might be able to settle down and they could live in one place. Her brother Matt and her Aunt Maggie would be absolutely delighted if that would happen, but Wendy just can't seem to do it. For the life of her she can't fit in, she wants to to.. sometimes. She wonders what it would be like to be normal, have normal friends and a normal boyfriend. But she knows that's just not who she is, at least she doesn't try to kid herself.

The newest home is hopefully going to be the last, Matt and Maggie are to the point of begging Wendy to make things work. They try to be as careful as possible with her, they think she is more fragile than she really is. Her whole life ppl have been treating her like a piece of porcelain. Ok, so yeah her mom tried to slice and dice her when she was a kid, big deal, it happens. She knows they only mean the best, but it gets so frustrating at times.

Enter Finn Holmes, the mysterious new boy at her school, he is even newer there than she is. And he seems obsessed with Wendy. He stares at her like there is nothing else in the universe to look at. If it wasn't so creepy Wendy might actually find it sweet. Confronting him doesn't work out exactly as she wants, now he only stares at her when she isn't looking.

The school dance turns into a nightmare when Finn decides it's time to tell Wendy why he is really there and why he has been following her so closely. Once she hears the truth of her Tryelle heritage her life really turns into a whirlwind.

Her life couldn't get more complicated than it already was, or so she thought. Now she is being drug into the middle of a war. A war between tribes of Trolls for that matter, and she seems to be the prize that could make or break it all.

Wonderful wonderful series, and I would def recommend this to everyone who loves a good paranormal series in the YA area. Plus it's something a little different, it's got Tryelle ( beautiful trolls ) instead of vamps, weres, fey.. or anything else we are used to :) I loved these books!!


1 comment:

agipe said...

I think I am going to have to check this series out at the library soon and read it! You have certainly caught my eye with this one!