Welcome to the Middle of the Road. This is a combined book review blog, one that is both cherished and prided over. We want everyone who comes to our page to find something of intrest to them, so when they walk away they are either satisfied or intrigued. We are both avid readers and have a passion about books that few of our other friends do. Both of us are happy to share our experiences in the book world and at times some goodies too. Enjoy your time here, and if you are anything like us, you could spend hours just wandering aimlessly through the world of books, just like a lazy afternoon down the Middle of the Road.
I really enjoy this series! I have to admit that the first book was a little hard for me to get into in the beginning. It just wasn't something I would normally read, but it was a gift from my sister-in-law. I have this rule about books, If I start it, I have to finish it. (and its a good rule to, otherwise I would have missed out on this series, and I would have never become addicted to the Millenium Trilogy by Steig Larson. Yes, I am ashamed to admitt that it took me 6 weeks to get thru The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo!) I feel like the second book in this series moved at a faster pace, and I am really looking forward to the thrid book that will be released in a couple of months, instead of waiting a whole year like the last release! Thanks for your review!!!
I loved this series too :) Donna x
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